Saturday, October 21, 2017


Lady Sarcastically Proclaim To Cease Bathing Because 2Face Hugged Her

ENTERTAINMENT Lady Sarcastically Proclaim To Cease Bathing Because 2Face Hugged Her

One Njideka Akabogu, as designated on facebook has Proclaimed to halt bathing from the moment she met with Legendary Singer, 2Face who offered her a hug.

Elated Njideka swiftly rushed to Facebook to share her dream come true moments with the Music star, sarcastically proclaiming a halt to bathing her body to keep memory of the hug.

She wrote:

"If you know me then you know how much this means to me!  I met TufaceIdibia! He hugged me!!! I’m never bathing again! Matter of fact, I’m retiring and going back to my village. Life = Made!!! ”

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